Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011


Mendengar nama Super Junior, 2PM, Shinee, Bigbang mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi ditelinga kita. Lagipula ABG mana yang tidak mengenal mereka? Tak bisa disangkal, masuknya hallyu wave ke Indonesia membuat banyak anak muda mulai belajar bahasa asing dari negeri gingseng ini. Bahkan hal ini juga mempengaruhi perkembangan industri musik di Indonesia dengan munculnya berbagai boyband dan girlband di Indonesia. Banyak yang bangga dengan bertaburannya boyband dan girlband di tanah air kita yang tercinta ini. Namun, banyak pula yang kontra dengan kehadiran BB & GB Indonesia dan berbagai alasanpun dilontarkan oleh mereka.
Melihat dengan menjamurnya BB & GB di Indonesia, negara kita yang selama ini memproduksi berbagai band seperti Sheila on 7, Ungu, dan lainnya-pun tergeser dengan kehadiran aliran musik ini. Mereka (baca: para remaja) umumnya memiliki alasan mengapa mereka lebih menyukai boyband atau girlband, misalnya karena wajah mereka yang tampan, performa dance yang energik, fashion mereka yang up to date, dan bla bla bla... (banyak alasan dari A - Z). Namun, ada juga yang menolak kehadiran BB & GB di Indonesia karena penampilan mereka yang seakan-akan kecewe-cewean (bahasa gaulnya: maho), nggak macho, deelel (berbagai coment pedas). Namun perlu diingat, semua hal pasti ada positif dan negatifnya. Tidak ada manusia di dunia ini yang sempurna, karena kesempurnaan hanya milik Tuhan.  Sejauh ini, saya sendiri belum menemukan & menyadari kekurangan dari BB & GB Korea.
BB INDO : NSG Star, SM*SH, MAX 5, XO-IX, S9B, MR. BEE, HITZ, 3 IN 1, MIKKIE, masih banyak lainnya sampai-sampai saya bingung sendiri... (-_-)#
GB INDO : 7ICON, Cherry Belle, Minnie, 5 Bidadari, Maskara, dan lainnya yang taksebanyak bertunas seperti BB INDO.
BB KOREA : SUPER JUNIOR (paling keren menurut saya :D), BIG BANG (fashion yang TOP banget... ), 2PM, 2AM, BEAST (B2ST), SHINee, B1A4 (Personilnya masih unyu-unyu banget), JYJ, DBSK, INFINITE, BOYFRIEND, MBLAQ, SS501 (vacum karena masing-masing personillnya memilih solo karir), T-MAX, TEEN TOP, dll.
Ada hal menarik yang membedakan BB & GB asal negara yang terkenal akan Jeju Island-nya itu dengan negara berbendera merah putih kita tercinta. Sehingga, sekeras apapun upaya kita untuk meniru mereka tetap saja kita tidak mampu melampaui mereka, kecuali kita muncul dengan ciri khas kita sendiri yang tidak dimiliki oleh BB & GB Korea. Hal inilah yang membedakan BB Indonesia dengan BB Korea, antara lain:
1.     Budaya
BB Korea lebih mencintai budaya mereka, sehingga tak jarang mereka mau memakai hangbok (baju khas Korea) saat acara-acara tertentu. Selain itu, mereka lebih mencintai bahasa ibu mereka (bahasa Korea) dilihat dari lirik lagu mereka yang didominasi bahasa Korea. Kalau BB INDO sendiri hanya sedikit dari mereka yang membawa kebudayaan sendiri, terkecuali NSG Star yang masih memasukkan lirik berbahasa melayu ataupun lainnya, serta mau memakai baju daerah saat perform. BB selain NSG Star sepertinya belum ada.

2.    Perform vs Skill.

a.    Perform
Perform merupakan hal pertama yang wajib dinilai dari para member BB & GB dimanapun dan darimanapun. Syarat utama bagi seorang anggota boyband tentulah harus memiliki paras yang sempurna (tampan atau cantik), postur tubuh (tinggi, kulit putih, hidung mancung, rambut bergaya, kaki jenjang bagi GB, berat badan ideal, deelel), humoris, multitalent, fashionable. Baik di Indonesia maupun di Korea, kriteria ini sudah menjadi hal utama dalam menjadi member BB/ GB.
b.    Skill
Skill yang dimiliki oleh BB / GB Korea lebih terasah dibanding BB/GB Indo. Rata-rata personil BB Korea mampu menjadi seorang member BB dan juga menjadi aktor, presenter, model, penyiar radio, penulis lagu, pengaransemen lagu, dll. Mereka tidak hanya sekedar memiliki penampialan yang super duper keren, namun juga suara emas mereka dan gerakan enerjik dance yang mampu mereka jual. Misalnya, Kim Heechul Super Junior yang juga menjadi presenter di Strong Heart, penyiar radio di Youngstreet Radio Show, menulis lagu salah satunya Close Ur Mouth, membintangi berbagai film dan drama antara lain Attack on the pin up boys bersama member Super Junior lainnya, Sharp 2, Loveholics, Bad Family, Iris, dan juga menjadi bintang iklan dan model diberbagai produk (saya ambil yang paling multitalented menurut saya).

Penampilan bahkan tidak menjadi prioritas utama, melainkan skill. Menurutnya, penampilan bisa dirubah sementara skill adalah modal awal untuk terjun ke dunia entertainment. Mereka bagi para calon bintang boyband besar harus menerima masa training selama 2-7 tahun baru kemudian mereka bisa diorbitkan. Banyak dari mereka yang ditraining sejak usia 10 tahun atau usia SMA. Perjuangan mereka untuk menjadi sang nomor satupun berlangsung selama bertahun-tahun, melalui berbagi proses penilaian yang ketat dari pihak agency. Sedangkan di Indonesia sendiri, untuk menjadi seorang artispun sudah barang tentu memiliki penampilan dan paras yang menonjol sudah dapat untuk menjadi seorang public figure. Misalnya untuk Super Junior sendiri harus ditraining selama sekitar 6 tahun baru kemudian bisa diorbitkan oleh pihak managemen, Gdragon Big Bang yang harus ditraining sejak usia 10 tahun, dan masih banyak yang lainnya.
Di Indonesia sendiri, hanya ajang-ajang pencarian bakat saja yang melakukan karantina dalam kurun waktu beberapa bulan saja. Selebihnya, kalau menurut saya peribadi untuk menjadi seorang artis ataupun public figure lainnya di Indonesia hanya membutuhkan 10 jam atau beberapa hari saja (untuk mengikuti audisi), terlebih lagi bagi mereka yang memiliki keluarga public figure maupun link yang dapat mengantarkan mereka menjadi salah satu penghias layar kaca di Indonesia. #no bashing.

Syarat selanjutnya yang pasti tidak ada di Indonesia adalah mereka harus memiliki nilai raport yang tinggi. setidaknya 10 besar. Tidak heran jika ada beberapa anggota boyband yang pernah meraih medali olimpiade. Salah satunya adalah Kyuhyun yang pernah memenangkan olimpiade matematika dan meraih medali emas. Setelah lolos audisi sekalipun mereka yang lolos akan melewati masa training untuk bisa diorbitkan. Pada masa ini, peserta harus diasramakan dan hanya terus latihan dan sekolah. Sepulang sekolah, mereka langsung latihan sampai malam. Bagi mereka yang melanggar (baca : bolos) makan akan langsung dikeluarkan dari agency. See… tidak ada waktu untuk bermain-main sama sekali. Biasanya umur trainee dari 10 tahun hingga anak SMA. Masa training mereka masuk dalam kelas vocal, dance, dan akting sehingga sering banyak anggota boyband atau girlband sukses yang akhirnya di tawari bermain drama.

Totalitas mereka dalam bidang entertainment sudah tidak diragukan lagi, mereka sanggup melakukan konser dan berbagai show dan pantang bagi mereka untuk membatalkan show mereka. Mereka sanggup memisahkan masalah  keluarga dengan kerjaan mereka. Terlebih kepada fans mereka yang lebih banyak lawan jenis, mereka sangat menganggap fans sangat berarti bagi mereka. Bahkan, mereka rela tidak memiliki kekasih misalnya, demi membuat fans lawan jenis tidak mengalihkan pandangannya terhadap mereka.
Dari beberapa point diatas, menurut pandangan saya beberapa BB & GB Indonesia yang mumpuni dalam bidang entertaintment, antara lain :
1.     XO-IX
Boyband Indonesia yang baru muncul selama beberapa bulan terakhir ini terdiri dari 9 orang member dengan performa yang bagus, suara emas sehingga mampu perform tanpa melakukan lypsing, dance yang energik dengan koreografi yang apik, dan mereka benar-benar merupakan pilihan yang sangat tepat pada saat audisi dengan kemampuan yang mereka miliki.
2.    NSG Star
Boyband yang terdiri atas lima orang yang salah satu personilnya yang berkulit coklat khas Indonesia. Dilirik lagu mereka, banyak diawali dengan lagu-lagu daerah, misalnya melayu, musik instrumental jawa, tarian ala jawa, serta kostum dengan memadukan desain pakaian ala korean dengan etnik jawa. Kualitas suara mereka juga tidak diragukan lagi, mereka kerap tampil dengan menyanyi secara langsung tanpa lypsinG.
3.    HITZ
Nah,, buat BB yang satu ini bener-bener menarik buat saya karena tidak hanya menjiplak BB asal Korea namun benar-benar merupakan perpaduan antara Korea dengan Indonesia. BB yang terdiri atas tiga personil antara lain Irwan Alexander, Ferdinan K, dan Lee JH yang salah satunya merupakan manusia asli impor dari Korea Selata langsung (Jiah... bahasa gw... ). Dilagu ini pula terdapat perpaduan tiga bahasa yaitu Indonesia-Korea dan Inggris yang diramu dengan dance yang kreatif dan apik meskipun kurang sedikit pas dengan musiknya yang cukup ngebeat.

4.    7ICON dan Maskara.  
Dua GB asal Indonesia yang benar-benar memliki performa dance yang cukup kreatif dibanding GB lainnya, penampilan yang ok, dan T.O.P, Meskipun dalam kualitas suara yang masih perlu diasah lagi.

Sedangkan untuk BB & GB asal negara yang terkenal atas kimchinya itu, antara lain:
  1. Super Junior
Super Junior merupakan salah satu K-pop boyband yang beranggotakan 13 personil. Pada saat debut single pertama mereka di tanggal 5 Nov 2005, mereka hanya beranggotakan 12 orang. Ke-12 personil itu yaitu (diurutkan dari tertua hingga termuda): LeeTeuk (the leader), Heechul, Hankyung, YehSung, KangIn, SinDong, SungMin, EunHyuk, DongHae, Chi Si Won, RyeoWook, dan Kibum. Kesebelas personil tersebut adalah orang Korea asli, dan satu personilnya, Hangkyung berasal dari Cina yang direkrut melalui audisi yang diadakan di Cina oleh SM Entertainment pada tahun 2001. Kebanyakan dari personil tersebut sudah punya nama dalam dunia entertainment melalui akting, VJ-ing, dan modelling, sebelum debut SuperJunior. Pada tanggal 23 Mei 2006, SM Entertainment mengumumkan adanya personil baru SuperJunior, Cho KyuHyun, dan menjadikan mereka ber-13 seperti sekarang.
Boyband yang melejit lewat lagu Sorry-Sorry dan Bonamana ini sukses merambah dunia Internasional. Beberapa bulan yang lalu, Boyband yang digawangi oleh Leeteuk ini meluncurkan album kelima (terkenal dengan sebutan 5jib) berjudul MR. SIMPLE ini benar-benar memberikan surprise bagi para ELF (sebutan fans Super Junior), pasalnya di album ini sempat beredar kabar menjadi album terakhir mereka karena beberapa personil mereka diwajibkan mengikuti wajib militer. Di album ini, terdapat beberapa lagu misalnya Superman, A-CHA, Opera, Walkin', dan lainnya. 
2. Big Bang

Boyband yang terdiri atas lima member, antara lain G Dragon, T.O.P, SeungRi, Daesung, dan Taeyang. Boyband yang berada dibawah agency YG entertaintment ini memiliki banyak penghargaan dan karir mereka sudah merambah dunia internasional.

3.    2PM
Terdiri dari Junsu, Nickhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Junho, dan Chansung. Boyband ini memiliki ciri khas sendiri yaitu lagunya yang nge-beat dan selalu menonjolkan aksi dance yang energik dan atraktif.

4.    BEAST (B2ST)
BB yang digawangi Gi Kwang, Yoseob, Jung Hyun, Dojoon, Dongwon dan Hyun Seung ini memiliki usia yang cukup muda. Dengan maknae Gi Kwang yang terkenal dengan lagunya Shock, Beautifull, Bad Girl, mistery dan yang terakhir ngehits yaitu Fiction.

5.    4 Minutes dan 2NE1
Beberapa hal diatas merupakan opini pribadi saya, terhadap apa yang saya ketahui dari berbagai sumber. Namun, saya yakin disetiap manusia memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan, hanya saja kita harus pandai-pandai menutupi kekurangan kita dengan kelebihan dan potensi yang kita miliki. Artikel diatas murni tanpa pemihakan dan saya sudah berusaha senetral mungkin, apabila terdapat ketidaksesuaian dengan pendapat anda, so NO BASHING..!! Setiap orang berhak dan bebas mengeluarkan pendapat mereka, apalagi di akun pribadi saya. Thanks for reading... gamsahamnida...

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Beasiswa S1 2011 dari Pemerintah Korea Korean Government Scholarships 2011

Pemerintah Korea membuka kesempatan untuk belajar di korea bagi mahasiswa S1 dengan bantuan beasiswa. Berikut ini keterangannya:

2011 Korean Government Scholarship Program for International Students for an Undergraduate Course

1. Program Objective
The objective of the Korean Government Scholarship Program for an Undergraduate Course is to provide international students with the opportunity to conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions in Korea in order to promote international exchanges in education and mutual friendship between the countries.

2. Total Candidates for Selection: 100 people from 59countries
Only those who hold a citizenship of the countries in the attachment are eligible for the program.
Quota of Scholarships
in each country
Indonesia , Malaysia, Mongolia
Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand
Azerbaijan , Bangladesh, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Kyrgyzstan,Nepal, Russia, Pakistan, Peru, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Turkey
Afghanistan, Angola, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Congo(DRC), Dominican Republic, East Timor, El Salvador, Gabon, Guinea Bissau, Hungary, Iran, Japan, Kenya,, Lebanon, Mauritania, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, Paraguay, Poland, Romania, Senegal, Sweden, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Yemen

3. Academic Programs
Undergraduate degree courses for four years after successfully completing a one-year Korean Language Training.
University transferring is not allowed (e.g. Beginning from the 3rd year is not allowed.)

4. Fields of Study
4-year undergraduate courses provided by the universities designated by NIIED
Not applicable: fields the study period of which exceeds 4 years (e.g. medicine, dentistry, architecture)

5. Qualifications
Prospective applicant must meet the following qualification criteria:
(1) Must be a citizen of the country to which scholarships are offered, which is
also applied to his/her parents.
Applicant must not be a holder of Korean citizenship.
(2) Should be under 25 years of age as of March 1, 2011.
(3) Have an adequate health, both physically and mentally.
Persons who are pregnant or having severe illness may not apply.
(4) Have finished or be scheduled to finish formal education of elementary, middle,
high school as of March 1, 2011.
Exceptional acceptance for a person who will have finished high school as of September 1,
2011 and who will be able to have level 3 in TOPIK until then.
(5) Possess above 80% (out of 100%) in a grade point average (G.P.A.) of the whole school
years of the high school attended or within top 10% among graduates in the same year.
(6) Not at any time have received a Korean government scholarship for his/her undergraduate
study before.
(7) Not have enrolled in an undergraduate course in Korea before.
(8) Preferential selection for applicants who are good at Korean or English.

6. Submission of Required Documents
(1) Place of Submission : Visit or Post to the following address
Inha University         Admission Team
253 Yonghyun-Dong, Nam-Gu,  Incheon, 402-751, Korea.

Please write
: “Application for the Korean Government Scholarship Program” on the Envelop
(2) Deadline of Submission:  Nov. 1(Mon) 09:00 am ~ Nov. 19(Fri) 17:00 pm
The application documents will not be accepted after November 19 17:00 pm.
(3) Documents to be submitted
One Completed Application Form (on a prescribed form: RD-1)
One NIIED Pledge (on a prescribed form: RD-2)
One Self-introduction Essay (on a prescribed form: RD-3)
One Study Plan (on a prescribed form:RD-4)
Two Recommendation Letters (from two different referees stated below, on a prescribed form: RD-5)
Applicant’s teacher or principal of the school, academic advisor or CEO of an organization, etc.
One original Personal Medical Assessment (on a prescribed form: RD-6)
One original Certificate of Health authorized by a doctor (on a prescribed form: RD-7)
Only applicable for candidates who have successfully passed through the selection procedure set
by the institution in charge of recommendation of candidates
One original Copy of High School Diploma
One original Copy of High School Grade Trans
One original Copy of the Applicant’s Passport
Application for issuance of a passport can be replaceable instead.
The Certificates of Citizenship of the Applicant and his/her Parents
A birth certificate or a copy of passport, etc.
One original Copy of a Certificate of Korean or English Proficiency (if applicable)
It should be issued within 2 years from as of March 1, 2011
(4) Notes
Applicants can apply for the program through more than one institution in charge of
recommendation of qualified candidates, but s/he SHOULD BE RECOMMENDED by ONLY ONE

In case that s/he will be recommended by more than one institution, his/her
application is to be rejected; if informed by more than one institution that s/he
is selected as one of their candidates, s/he should make a decision as to which
recommendation will be effective and let them know it.
English Name Spelling in the application form MUST be exactly the same as in the passport.
One copy of application for issuance of a passport is replaceable for a copy of passport.
Application form and other program materials are to be filled out either in Korean or in
English. And all of the materials should be A4 sized; if smaller, attach the material to
an additional A4 sized paper; if bigger, fold it up to be an A4 sized one.
Regarding a high school grade tran, it should prove that your academic achievement
satisfies 5-(5) above; otherwise, you should submit a certificate issued by the high
school, which should include either an official seal of the school or a school principal’s signature.
The documents such as certificates or credentials issued in languages other than Korean
or English must include official notarized translation, which is to be put before the original.
Other documents except the ones written on a form prescribed by NIIED should contain their
numbers and names on the top right. (ex.
High School Diploma)
When you submitting the documents to the institution in charge of selection of candidates,
the documents should be arranged in the order of the list of the required documents stated
above. Each document can be stapled, but all of the documents should be put together using
(a) clip(s): do not staple them altogether, or do not put them into a transparent file one by one.
Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicant.
Incomplete or incorrect documents are subject to rejection by NIIED.

7. Scholarship Payment
(1) Scholarship Period: March 1, 2011 ~ February 28, 2016
(2) Scholarship Benefits
Airplane ticket or airfare: The grantees will receive an airplane ticket or be paid an
economy class airfare of the shortest route between their country and Korea when they come to
Korea, and, thereafter, when they leave Korea after completion of their study.
Monthly Allowance: 800,000 won per month
Tuitions: The full tuition is exempted by NIIED and the entrance fee for the first
semester by the host university.
Settlement Allowance: 200,000 won upon arrival
Repatriation Allowance: 100,000 won upon completion of studies
Korean Language Training Expenses
The full costs up to 1 year (NIIED pays directly to the language training institution)
Medical Insurance: The grantees will be provided with health insurance for major accidents
and illnesses during their scholarship period.
(3) Notes
NIIED does not compensate fees for the domestic travel both in the grantee’s country
and Korea.
Airfare for entry into Korea will not be provided to a grantee that has been staying
in Korea for between the confirmation date of selection of scholarship students and
the designated entry due (February 28, 2011).
NIIED does not compensate fees for insurance of traveling to and from Korea.
The medical fee is to be reimbursed through the insurance company to the grantee after
s/he pays first
Any grantee who gives up his/her study during the scholarship period will not receive
airfare and allowance for repatriation except for the cases approved by NIIED such as
severance of diplomatic relations, war or other natural disasters.
Any grantee who quits the program in 3 months after one’s entrance into Korea, should
refund all scholarship fees (The airfare of arriving Korea, settlement allowance, monthly
allowance, Korean language training expenses, etc.).

8. Selection (Application) Procedures
Selection Procedures
Application Procedures
( Contact)
NIIED will announce the 2011 invitation plan
October 20, 2010
Check the invitation plan
- List of the countries where scholarships are available, requirements, application forms, etc.
Institutions in charge of recommendation of
qualified candidates (hereafter; IRC) will announce their selection plan, which may be different depending on the institutions.
Late October
Check IRC’s plan ?
-Application deadline, selection procedures set by the relevant IRC, etc.
IRC will select candidates
Submit the application documents and then follow the set directions
IRC will recommend the qualified candidates to NIIED
December 20

NIIED will announce the successful
January 5, 2011
Check the list of successful candidates → Apply for a visa for the entry into Korea
IRC will notify NIIED of the grantee’ entry itinerary
February 7~14
Check the entry itinerary and prepare for the entry into Korea
Grantees will enter Korea
February 21 ~ 28
Enter Korea
Grantees will begin to take a Korean language course
March 2
Begin to take a Korean language course
Successful candidates can download their invitation letter and other important notes
from the following site.
- Access key: Candidate’s family name followed by his/her birth-date (yymmdd)
Ex) when your family name is AABBCC and your birth-date is March, 1, 1992 → AABBCC920301

9. Study
(1) Available Universities for 2011 KGSP grantees
Ajou Univ. Cheongju Univ. Chonnam National Univ. Chosun Univ. Chungbuk National Univ. Chungnam National Univ. Daegu Univ. Daejeon Univ. Dong A Univ. Dongguk Univ. Dongseo Univ. Ewha Womans Univ. Gyeongsang National Univ. Hanllym Univ. Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies Hannam Univ. Hanyang Univ. Hongik Univ. Inha Univ. Jeju National Univ. Jeonju Univ. KAIST Kangwon National Univ. Keimyung Univ. Kongju National Univ. Konkuk Univ. Konyang Univ. Kookmin Univ. Korea Univ. Kyonggi Univ. Kyunghee Univ. Mokpo National Univ. Myongji Univ. Pai Chai Univ. Pukyong National Univ. Pusan National Univ. Seoul National Univ. Sogang Univ. Sookmyung Women’s Univ. Soon Chun Yang Univ. Sung Kyun Kwan Univ. Sunmoon Univ. Ulsan Univ. Woosuk Univ. Woosong Univ. Yeungnam Univ. Yonsei Univ.
(2) Korean Language Course
Institution: At an institution designated by NIIED
- The grantee whose has more than level 5 in TOPIK can be exempt from the preliminary
Korean language training and can start his/her bachelor’s degree course.
- The grantee should reach level 3 in TOPIK after the completion of a Korean language
course and before starting a bachelor’s degree course.
- In principle, the grantee is not supposed to leave Korea during Korean language training.
- The grantee must not bring his/her family to Korea during the Korean language training
period. And in case that s/he wishes to be accompanied by his/her family after completion
of the language course, the whole expenses for it should be borne by him/her.
-  The grantee should have level 3 in TOPIK after completion of Korean language training
and before beginning a bachelor’s degree course.
(3) Undergraduate Degree Program
- The grantee selected through the recommendation of a university: At the university which
has recommended him/her
- The grantee selected through the recommendation of a Korean embassy: At the university
to which s/he is admitted. (S/he may apply for admission to a university s/he would like to enter)
- The grantee should make a preparation of the required documents for application for
an admission to a university.
- The grantee recommended by a Korean embassy will take a procedure for application for a
university admission while taking a Korean language course; as for information on application
for admission, please visit the university websites.
- If the grantee is needed to write a final thesis, it must be written in Korean in principle;
if the final thesis must be written in another foreign language, s/he should submit its
summary in Korean.

10. Other Important things
(1) Entry
Grantees must arrive in Korea by February 28, 2011. In case a grantee does not enter
Korea by the designated date without any special reason, his/her scholarship award will
be canceled.
Grantees who will have finished high school as of September 1, 2011 and who will be able to
have level 3 in TOPIK until then should arrive in Korea by August 30, 2011.
Prior to arrival, grantees should acquire some knowledge about Korea and Korean culture, etc.
○ Korean Language Study
○ Korean Universities
○ Korean Culture
○ The Korean Embassy abroad
○ Entry & Residence
Grantees are required to get a visa before arriving in Korea.
Visa status: D-4 (Korean language course) or D-2 (Degree course)
Visit the Consular section of the Korean embassy or consulate in your country of
residence with an invitation letter issued by NIIED upon the announcement of successful
The payment of the monthly allowance for the first month after arrival in Korea may be
delayed. Therefore, every grantee is advised to bring extra money to cover the living
expenses for the period.
(2) Housing
Grantees would reside in a university dormitory.
The dormitory fee will be deducted out of the monthly allowance by the university.
(3) Cancellation or temporary suspension of Scholarship
If a grantee is found engaged in any of the following activities during his/her
stay in Korea, his/her scholarship will be suspended and then will be disqualified
from a grantee position.
-When any documents of the scholarship application has been found false
-When the grantee is punished by the university or involved in any form of political activity
-When the grantee has violated the written pledge which s/he has given to NIIED
-When the grantee has violated the guidelines and regulations set by NIIED
-When the grantee has been cautioned more than 2 times due to an unexcused absence or
a prolonged absence from the Korean language training or the temporary departure without
permission or notification
-When the grantee has not earned at least 2/3 of the registered credit courses of the semester
-When the grantee has not submitted a request for re-enrollment to the university and
not notified NIIED of re-enrollment without any proper reasons within one month after
the period of ‘temporary absence from school’ has ended
-When the grantee has given up one’s studies
-When they refuse to study at the assigned university after s/he finished his/her
Korean language course
-When an award holder returns to his/her country of origin or to another country
for the purpose of joining an exchange program similarly, operated by agreement on
credit exchanges between the Korean and foreign universities
-When an award holder gets more than three warnings
-When an award holder’s TOPIK level is 0 after the completion of the Korean
language course
-When an award holder does not reach level 2 in TOPIK after the completion of the
additional 6 month Korean language course
-When an award holder does not reach level 3 in TOPIK after the completion of the
additional 12 month Korean language course
Temporary suspension of scholarship
-While taking a Korean language course, in special cases(e.g. funeral of his/her parents,
his/her wedding, treatment of illness, etc.), the grantee may leave Korea for a maximum
of 2 weeks after s/he gets the permission from NIIED; the scholarship for the period is
not to be paid
-After the grantee begins his/her study at undergraduate course, s/he should obtain a
proper approval from the university where s/he studies in order to exit Korea for more
than 30 days. His/her monthly allowance is to be cut for the period of absence exceeding
30 days per semester

11. Contact
(1) Question for application & submission of required documents
- Related to the admission : +82-32-860-7204
Inha University Admission Team (
- About the program           +82-32-860-7034     Inha University International Center (
(2) For others except the above
NIIED Website:
[English version: Korean Government Scholarship Students Q&A